Legal Consultancy on Dispute Resolution Provisions of Commercial & Investment Contracts
Each legal relationship may require a different arbitration forum based on the nature of the commercial or the investment transaction.
For instance, while in many commercial, construction and energy supply contracts we come across with ICC or LCIA arbitration clauses, in the investment treaties signed between the States or in the investment contracts concluded between the foreign investors and the host States, ICSID, ICC, SCC or ad hoc arbitration under UNCITRAL Rules are the preferred arbitration forums due to the different legal remedies that may be followed in commercial and investment disputes.
Furthermore, the seat of arbitration and the law which shall be applicable to arbitral proceedings should be carefully selected by considering the nationality of the parties and enforceability of the arbitral awards that may be rendered at the end of possible arbitral proceedings.
Özcan Legal with its rooted experience provides tailor made legal advice to its clients on drafting the right dispute resolution provisions with the purpose of protection of the interests of its clients, preventing any possible dispute and representing its clients successfully in case of commencement of the arbitral proceedings.